Resources for you to Read, Call, Listen to, Watch, Download
Help when you need it

Counselling is not the only option when you need extra support. You have various resources available to you, in order to survive your struggles and thrive. On this page you will find some of those resources.
If you are struggling to understand what your body and mind is experiencing, I hope this very short presentation might help you to find some answers. Click here: Presentation : The Four F’s
Reach Out
Samaritans – When you urgently need someone to talk to – Call 116 123
Hopelink UK – For young people who feel suicidal (Children to Age 35) call 0800 068 4141 or text 07860039967
Silverline – free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year – 0800 4 70 80 90
Some people may not be aware that their relationship is abusive, domestic abuse is not confined to physical or sexual violence. It can include bullying, coercion, getting ‘the silent treatment’, sulking, gaslighting, insulting texts, withholding affection and other forms of communication that are aimed at exerting control. If this sounds familiar then I invite you to look at this website:
SARSAS – Click here if you have ever been affected by rape, sexual assault or abuse
RCSAS (Rape Crisis Surrey & Sussex) Helpline 0808 8029999 or email [email protected]
Women’s Aid – Click here if you are a woman suffering Domestic abuse *
Domestic abuse helpline for male victims – Click here if you are a man suffering abuse *
Daisy Chain – Click for free legal advice & support for anyone impacted by domestic abuse *
Click on the Link:
GriefChat Free online instant access to a bereavement counsellor Mon-Fri 9am-9pm
Child Bereavement UK – Support Line – Call 0800 02 888 40
Freddie’s Wish – Support after the death of a child of any age, whether recent or historic
Lilly Mae Foundation – Support after miscarriage, still birth or neo-natal death 01676 535716
The LOLA project – Support after losing a baby
The Miscarriage Association supports couples impacted by pregnancy loss, ectopic and molar pregnancy.
Man2Man is a peer bereavement service for men
WAY Widowed & Young – Peer support for people aged 50 or under when their partner dies
Sue Ryder offer an online support community for bereaved people via their website
The Loss Foundation provides online peer support for people bereaved due to cancer
Winston’s Wish for parents and carers who are supporting a grieving child
Downs Syndrome Association – Helpline +44 (0)333 1212 300
Click on these links to access apps
For sleep & restfulness using the Calm App
Binaural Beats to cope with daily stress and heal after trauma
DARE for Anxiety, panic attack, worry
Domestic Abuse – Search for DAIS in your App Store
Low cost food – Search for Too Good To Go in your App Store
Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee – Search on Spotify
Still Parents – A podcast that aims to inform men that have been affected by stillbirth, neonatal death, miscarriage or medical termination that it is okay not to be okay
Griefcast with Cariad Lloyd – Search on Spotify
Just One Thing with Michael Moseley – Search on BBC Sounds
The following books have been categorised to reflect the type of content. I recommend you follow the links and read more to make an informed choice about their suitability for you. If you have read a great book that has helped you, I would love to hear about it. Send me an email via [email protected]
Anticipating Death
Shaking Hands with Death – Terry Pratchett (published by Corgi)
With the End in Mind – Kathyrn Mannix (published by William Collins)
One Last Thing (How to Live With The End In Mind) – Wendy Mitchell
Surviving the Tsunami of Grief – Katrina Taee & Wendelien McNicholl (published by NewAct)
You’ll Get Over It – Virginia Ironside (published by Penguin Books)
Levels of Life – Julian Barnes (published by Vintage)
Shattered ~ Surviving the Loss of a Child – Gary Roe (published by HRP)
A Heart That Works – Rob Delaney
What I Wish People Knew About Dementia – Wendy Mitchell (Published by Bloomsbury)
Living a Whole & Healthy Life
Lost Connections – Johann Hari (published by Bloomsbury)
A Manual for Heartache – Cathy Rentzenbrink (published by Pan Macmillan)
Living an Examined Life – James Hollis (published by Sounds True Inc)
Born to Win – Muriel James & Dorothy Jongeward (published by DeCapo Press)
So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed – Jon Ronson (Published by Pan Macmillan)
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway – Susan Jeffers (published by Ebury)
Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way To Deal With Change – Dr Spencer Johnson (published by Ebury)
Pain is Really Strange – Steve Haines (Published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers)
Suicidal thoughts
Reasons to Stay Alive – Matt Haig ( Published by Canon Gate)
Trauma and recovery
Books (Fiction)
Again, Rachael by Marian Keyes (Themes: still birth, bereavement, addiction, relationships)
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig (Themes: suicide, self-determination, hope)
Keeping up with Magda by Isla Dewar (Themes: bereavement, friendship, sex)
The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery (Themes: loneliness, friendship, loss, love)
Counselling for Toads by Robert de Board (depression, friendship, Transactional Analysis)
Hope, death and living life
“Inside Out” by Pixar – Coming to terms with change and loss is tough. This is a family film which explains the biological purpose of our feelings in a fun adventure. (Family Viewing)
“Up” by Pixar – We see loss in many forms in this movie, the loss of a child, of dreams, of a life unlived and of the death of a best friend. This movie is all about finding hope and making sense of the ‘new normal’. Sound heavy? Be prepared to laugh, to feel the warm glow of hope and to cry happy tears at the end. (Family Viewing)
“Soul” by Pixar – An exploration of what it is to be alive and to find meaning, exploring themes around death, determinism, purpose, connecting to the spirit within & of life itself.
“After Life” – This is a dark comedy that takes a serious look at life after the death of a loved one. Written, directed and starring Ricky Gervais. (Adult Viewing Only)
“A Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood” – A Tom Hanks film about family, anger and the impact compassion can have on others and ourselves. (Suitable for Teenagers & Adults)
Please Note: I have used these Apps, read these books and watched these films. I have found them to be useful, informative or enjoyable – That does not mean I believe they are right for you. We are autonomous and unique so we will like different things. Do your research and make an informed choice. If you want to speak to me, confidentially, then send me a message by following this link
I wish you health and happy reading/listening/breathing/watching
Alternative Skillsets
When you are looking for a counsellor it is important that you find the right fit for you. There may be some phrase on a counsellor’s website that resonates with you. Or they may have specific skills and training that you want (in counselling jargon this is called a competency). The counsellors I describe below have different skillsets to me, work in a different way, work with couples or children and have special interests that might fit better with your needs.
Emma Rioseco is a play therapist working with Children and their Families in her private practice near Chichester.
Pascale Palazzo is a specialist in compulsive eating, overeating disorders and obesity. She runs an online clinic working with adults in the UK whose relationship with food gets in the way of living a fulfilled life.
Kaye Esser works with individuals & couples suffering addiction, domestic violence, bereavement and issues around food & eating. She works online and in person at her home office in Horsham
Sybina Illsley is attuned to the importance of race, culture, beliefs, values, attitudes, religion & language in the life of her clients. She runs an LGBTQ+ friendly practice and works with Adults in Chailey, Brighton, Horsham and online
Shelley Taylor works with over 18s & couples. Her specialist training includes trauma, abuse and body psychotherapy/body listening. Based in Littlehampton, she works outdoors, in her therapy room, via telephone or online
Niall Crawley-Moore specialises in substance misuse & trauma, and works with people who have encountered psychological, physical & sexual abuse. Niall is an EMDR practitioner
Nigel Spencer is a LGBTQ+ affirmative counsellor working in Kemptown, Brighton and online. He is particularly drawn to Gestalt therapy with emphasis on how the body and feelings manifest in the present moment.

Helen Clarke, 2020